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Hatchling Setup

Setting up the proper accommodation for your tortoise is crucial when considering a purchase. Thorough research is essential; cutting corners can be harmful to your tortoise's well-being. It may survive, but it won't thrive. Be cautious, as many pet shops may sell you their stock rather than what's best for your tortoise. Your research will not only save you money but also ensure you acquire the appropriate equipment for proper tortoise care.

For young tortoises, a tortoise table environment is recommended. However, many tables on the market are not of suitable size. A deep table is necessary to provide enough substrate depth, allowing your tortoise to engage in natural behaviors like burrowing, which aids in thermoregulation (they bury themselves to regulate temperature).

Your tortoise requires a UV bulb that emits both UVA and UVB rays, which are specifically designed for reptiles. This is vital for your tortoise's health when housed indoors.

We recommend;

Tortoise table Deep to allow tortoise to bury down in substrate 4ft x 2ft

Heat bulb  - 150- 160w (NOT red infrared or coil)
UV Strip light - Arcadia T5 pro 12% Desert    -  D3 UVA & UVB (this tube has to be changed annually)

Bulb holder Ceramic one with a reflector to project heat  is best

Thermometer  Check hot and cold areas

Water bowl Shallow dish

Vitamin powder NEKTON MSA sprinkle on food

Calcium Powder  Sprinkle on food

Substrate  Soil and coco coir - Deep     (TortoiseMIX)

Scales  Record weight weekly

Cuttlebone  Calcium supplement/beak trimmer

Outdoor area

Tile/Slate  To put food on (helps keep beak in trim)

Décor Plant your table and add your personal touch to stimulate your tortoise.

UV and UVA (Lighting)

All tortoises require UVA and UVB lighting, which is the most crucial piece of equipment for tortoise care. They need full-spectrum UV light to synthesize their own vitamin D3, which is vital for the effective metabolism of dietary calcium in tortoises.

Without it, tortoises can become extremely unhealthy, develop deformities, and are likely to have a shortened lifespan. Even on a cloudy day, the sun provides the best source of UVA/B, far superior to any artificial bulb.

Indoors, it's essential to mimic natural sunlight for tortoises. A standard heat bulb alone is insufficient. There are two main methods for lighting a tortoise enclosure:

1. A T5 UV reptile bulb provides light, but you'll still need an additional heat source, such as a standard heat bulb.
2. A combination bulb (UVA/B) offers both heat and essential UVA & UVB for your tortoise.

Be cautious as many bulbs on the market are misleading and inadequate for tortoise care. Ensure the bulb provides UVA and UVB; trusted brands include Arcadia and Powersun.

Avoid coiled bulbs, which can harm tortoise eyes, and always mount lamps vertically, not at an angle.

Remember that all bulbs gradually lose their UV effectiveness and should be replaced annually. Bulb output testers are available but can be costly, exceeding £250.

We specifically recommend the Arcadia T5 pro light 12% desert bulb for UVA and UVB. You'll still need a heat lamp, but this will significantly improve the light quality for your tortoise, preventing sluggishness during the colder months and ensuring there are no dark, unlit areas in the enclosure, except for designated hiding spots like caves.


Selecting the appropriate substrate is crucial for your tortoise's well-being.

Tortoises are often found on substrates like pellets, bark chips, sand, and woodchips, which are not ideal. Tortoises on such substrates may not behave normally and can become lethargic, among other issues. This problem is sometimes due to misinformation from pet shops or previous owners. Consuming these substrates can be fatal, and the risks are not worth taking, in our view.

Moreover, a particular product commonly found in pet shops resembles sand and is notorious for causing impaction, which, if not treated, can be fatal. We strongly advise anyone using this product or any of the aforementioned substrates to remove it immediately.








We make our own substrate which is great for tortoise it allows them to dig and has a great consistency. It is kept pliable and allows tortoise to dig down. Which in turn creates  a little microclimate which is believed  to help hatchling tortoise shells as they require  humidity. We recommend the substrate is deep enough to allow your tortoise to completely bury themselves ( This is a completely natural behaviour).

In our mix we use sterilised top soil free of pesticides, fertilisers and other nasties. We mix coco coir that is also free of additives then add  Calcium powder (For those that grow plants in the setups) this makes soil calcium rich.


We  have seen countless of times tortoise behaviour change for the good when moved to this. It promotes natural behaviours such as digging/ burrowing. Below are some of our hatchlings in a temporary pen while we cleaned their table with our substrate. Heres a link to our 












Plants for your table

Please make sure the plants you choose for your table are safe. They are not grown in fertiliser or chemicals. Generally plants in garden centres have been grown this way. Plants you can use are: Spider plants, Bromeliad, Christmas Cactus,
Peperomia, Opuntia and air plants to name a few.

Our Table Setups

We can assemble a setup for you upon request to ensure your hatchling has an excellent beginning. We strongly advocate for branded products that carry European safety certifications, particularly for electronics used at high temperatures. 

Typically, low prices are indicative of substandard products, which we consider dangerous and not worth the risk. 

We exclusively utilize high-quality items that have been tested to exceed the necessary ratings. For instance, our hatchling 2024 setup includes the recommended Arcadia T5 and separate heating components.


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